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Insights From 10 Youth Ministers

Starting out in Youth Ministry can be both fulfilling and challenging. The journey is filled with opportunities for growth, learning, and impactful moments…for both the ministers and the students! In a conversation with a large group of Youth Ministers, I asked them to share one thing they wished they knew when they first started in ministry. Here are the responses that ten of them offered up.

  1. Patience: The Seeds Will Grow

It’s essential to remember that the impact you make might not be immediately visible. Like the Apostle Paul, understand that your role may be that of a planter or a waterer, while God provides the increase. (1 Corinthians 3:6-8) Trust the process and have patience!

  1. Kindness is the doorway to influence.
  2. Our actions speak louder than our words.
  3. Understanding a church’s culture and community takes time (probably years).
  4. Strengthen the bonds with parents and the broader church community. Seek collaboration whenever possible.
  5. Prioritize relationships over events. The heart of Youth Ministry lies in the relationships we build. These relationships will have a far more profound and lasting impact than any single event.
  6. Empower and invest in your leaders. You can’t do it on your own!
  7. Remember, your identity is not in being a Youth Minister, it is in Jesus Christ.
  8. Don’t give up. Youth Ministry is tough. Many of us want to leave before we reach our second year. Hang in there. Find someone who has walked the road you are on and enlist their help in mentoring you.
  9. Give them Jesus! Never lose sight of the reason we are in ministry. Keep the gospel at the center of your ministry. This is the only foundation on which anything of value can be built.

I hope these ten nuggets of insight have got you thinking. If there is any way that Shepherd’s Forge can be of value or assistance to you in your ministry, please do not hesitate to reach out!


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